

*In A Thousand Plateaus Deleuze and Guattari made this famous statement about the multiplication of sinnergies that emerges when working collectively.
This section gives an overview of the ever-growing network of cultural producers linked to Contextual Research. This is our crowd:

Babel Media Art

Bogotá, Colombia

Babel Media Art was  a platform that managed a program of contemporary art exhibitions at Torre Colpatria in Bogotá during 2017.

A Casa Aberta

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Casa Aberta is a non-profit cultural space and studio for the creation, development and production of artistic projects, founded by Viviane Tabach and Tomas Faria, in 2018. Casa Aberta [Open House] fosters experimental projects especially in the field of music, visual arts and dance, and operates at a different pace from other spaces, as it approaches the production of each artist in an extended time, which results in a collective construction of site-specifics for the House. With this methodology, we represent artists, accompanying their trajectories and offer the space as a platform for experimentation. The space is open to practices that do not fit into large institutions nor are promoted by the market. ︎acasaaberta

Humo Estudio

Madrid, Spain

Humo Estudio is a Berlin- and Madrid-based design studio founded in 2014 by Pablo Santacana and Marta M.Legido. Humo Estudio works collaboratively across various media including digital, print, and exhibition design, with a focus on artistic processes and cultural environments. ︎humo_studio

Floating e.V.Berlin, Germany

Floating University is a Natureculture learing site on and in the rainwater retention pool at Berlin Tempelhof airport since 2018. Floating e.V. is a self organised space and group, where practitioners from a wide range of backgrounds meet to collaborate, co-create and imaginatively work towards futures.

Yakunewen e.V.

Berlin, Germany

Yakunewen is a transnational association with long experience on socially engaged projects and community building activities.  They stand for interdisciplinary practices that foster a critical approach towards society, making special attention to the intersectional struggles of the global south and the inequalities of post-migrant societies.


THF Radio

Berlin, Germany

THF Radio is a radio station located in the former gatehouse at Tempelhof Airport. An experimental space and mouthpiece for citizens, artists, musicians, creative people and initiatives.


Berlin, Germany

Since 1989, Interflugs works as a self-organized student association that  labor to provide access and resources and re-distribute privileges of the liberal arts institution. 
They support and engage radical generative modes of being in our labor and create place/s for wildness.


Klasse Klima

Berlin, Germany

The Klasse Klima is an open group of students and teachers at the UdK Berlin, with the goal of translating the climate crisis into teaching and design practice. A think tank and coffee klatch, shelter and open space, meeting and vantage point for all those who will design a climate-just living environment. ︎klasse.klima


Berlin, Germany

Stundent-run projectspace in the garden of the Universität der Künste Administrative building in Berlin . It organizes gettogethers and open-air activities between the neightbours and the student community.